Byford Community Kindergarten
At Byford community kindergarten, our aim is to PLAY, LAUGH AND LEARN.
We are a play based educational learning centre for 4 year olds. Byford Community kindergarten is a not for profit community kindergarten. We where established in 1978 by a highly dedicated group within the Byford community. We are 1 of only 14 left in Western Australia an are proud of the communities support towards us.
Byford Community Kindergarten is situated in the original town site of Byford on Park Road, in a building owned by the Serpentine Jarrahdale shire. We are a purpose build building, not operating on a school site, surrounded by native bush on 3 of our 4 sides. Strongly supporting our play, laugh, learn policy and we love it.
Being a not for profit, community kindergarten; our success relies heavily on our parent committees. Without which our doors WOULD SHUT and we would cease to operate. They work tirelessly to raise the necessary funds for the Kindergarten to continue to operate; organising activities and gathering donations. This strongly reinforces the community feel and develops lasting friendships. If you or someone you know would like to donated to the kindergarten. Please contact us on the details below. Everything is greatly appreciated.
Although the Byford Community Kindergarten is ‘paired’ with Byford Primary School; we are not locked into their intake catchment area. The joy of being a community Kindergarten is, we can accept students from anywhere. However we can only accommodate 40 students a year and we will always take the 40 students closest to our location to support the health school initiative (walking, riding, scooter etc to school). All application to attend our kindergarten go through Byford Primary for Department of Education purposes
We are always excited to start every year with an enthusiastic group of children and parents. We hope you too will play, laugh and learn with us, building and even greater community.
If you have any questions regarding the kindergarten our contact details are
Phone: (08) 9525 1125
email: [email protected]
To check when your child can start Kindy, check the Dept. of Education website here